The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) is the premier international conference on topics at the confluence of the information retrieval, databases, and knowledge management. Running annually since 1992, CIKM attracts top talent from industry and academia, with the goal of fostering collaboration and bridging the academic- commercial gap in the database, information retrieval, and knowledge management communities.
We encourage prospective workshop organizers to submit proposals for highly interactive workshops (either full-day or half-day) focusing on either in-depth analysis or broad-ranging approaches to information retrieval, databases, and knowledge management. Those workshops will complement the main CIKM conference, and will be held the day before the main CIKM conference, i.e., Monday 22 October 2018.
Please use the CIKM 2018 Workshop Proposal Template for your submission. Workshop proposals are reviewed based on the quality of the proposal, its relation to the main CIKM topics, and the likelihood to attract enough participants as well as the hosting capacity of the venue. Preference will be given to workshops that cut across multiple areas within the traditional scope of CIKM (knowledge management, information retrieval, and databases). Workshop proposals that focus on applied research which are interesting to practitioners are also encouraged.
Exact workshop paper submission and author notification due dates are at the discretion of workshop organizers; a recommended time line is indicated at right. By default, workshop papers will not be included in the ACM Digital Library. This policy is intended to help preserve the authors' ability to submit a revised version of their paper to a conference or journal.
All above deadlines are based on the Anywhere on Earth time.
For further information, contact the Workshop Chairs: