CIKM 2018's demonstration sessions aim to provide the opportunity for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to interact while exploring the latest techniques for managing information and knowledge. We seek demonstrations that showcase exciting new technologies and early prototypes, as well as case studies from more mature systems with innovative features and functionalities (demonstrations that focus on the marketing of products must be submitted to the exhibit program, rather than to the demonstration track).
Submissions should describe the intended audience, point out the innovative aspects of the system being demonstrated, and explain how those aspects contribute to the state of the art in knowledge and information management.
Submissions must also make clear what the audience will experience during the demo; authors may convey this information through a scenario, explanatory text, and/or screenshots.
Submissions that are case studies should also explain the case being demonstrated. Submissions must include appropriate references to the literature.
Submissions must be formatted according to (2017 ACM Master Article Template).
A submission must be no more than 4 pages long (including references), and must be submitted as a PDF document.
Authors may include an additional page to list the practical requirements for presenting their demonstrations; this additional page will not be included in conference proceedings.
Authors may also include a URL for a 5 minute video (or an additional page of screenshots) for the proposed demo.
Submissions will be reviewed by the Demonstrations Program Committee, who will evaluate the novelty of the technical features being demonstrated, the challenges in producing such a system, its expected impact, and its timeliness and relevance for the CIKM audience of practitioners and researchers.
Submissions that describe case studies from mature systems will also be evaluated on the relevance of the system and innovative features and functionalities that are being included in the demonstration.
All above deadlines are based on the Anywhere on Earth time.
For further information, contact the Demonstration Program Committee Chairs at